In a recent 3-year period, there were almost 3,400 reported vehicle-bicycle collisions throughout Wisconsin. Ten percent (10%) of these bike accidents resulted in either the death or incapacitating injury of the bicyclist. Incapacitating injuries include traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, serious and often multiple fractures, and more.
The bicycle accident attorneys at Clifford & Raihala have decades of experience obtaining successful recoveries for persons injured in bicycle crashes. Indeed, Clifford & Raihala has been protecting those injured by the negligent conduct of others for almost 50 years. In bicycle accident cases, we have sought and obtained full and fair compensation for our bicyclist clients for injuries and harms caused by a negligent motor vehicle operator.
Our bicycle accident attorneys understand that these crashes often have similar causes and characteristics. For example, in the three-year period reported above, 70% of the fatal crashes occurred on roads where the speed limits were 35 miles per hour or greater – speed does kill. Two-thirds of fatal crashes were in urban areas. Alcohol was involved in 27% of the fatal bicycle crashes. Surprisingly, almost 40% of the fatal crashes involved a motorist striking a bicyclist from behind. Another analysis showed that, in 78% of bike fatality collisions, the cyclist was struck by the front of the vehicle. These statistics tell an important story: fatal bike crashes occur when a motor vehicle operator is speeding, has been drinking, or is not properly maintaining lookout to observe a bicycle in the road. Experienced bicycle accident attorneys are aware of these common bicycle accident patterns, and use that awareness to assure their bicycle accident client can advance his or her claim accordingly.
These statistics are stunning. They suggest that most bicycle accident fatalities occur when the motor vehicle operator does not even see the bicyclist he or she is about to crash into. If the statistics prove true, most bike accident fatalities occur when a vehicle driver strikes the bike from behind, leaving the bicyclist totally helpless and completely unable to avoid the collision. The results are awful, and wholly unavoidable by the bicyclist. Clifford & Raihala’s bicycle accident attorneys are familiar with the causes of bicycle crashes and understand the factors which contribute to those causes. We have had years of experience in evaluating car-bike collisions and proving how a driver’s negligence caused such crashes. It is important that an injured cyclist, or his or her family, contact us as soon after the collision as possible so that we can begin gathering available evidence promptly. As experienced bicycle accident attorneys, we apply this data to assure our clients receive the full compensation they deserve.
For example, our bicycle accident lawyers have obtained videos of collisions from the state Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or nearby commercial or residential security cameras. These are becoming commonly available. Urgency, however, is importantly since these videos are frequently erased after a short while. In one recent case, we obtained a street video showing our client being struck by a vehicle and being thrown over the car. The video showed him being struck from the front end of the vehicle, tossed into the air, flying over the car and landing on the street at the back of the vehicle. This evidence is invaluable. We also try to identify and interview eye witnesses to a collision. Memories fade, so doing this promptly can be important.
If you or a loved one has been injured or suffered loss from a bicycle collision, contact a Clifford & Raihala bicycle accident attorney to protect your rights. Call 608-257-7900 (or toll free at 888-791-8422) or click for a free consultation with no obligation. If you hire us, there will be no fee at all unless we recover compensation for you.